I see nothing from Amp in here,other than the crane(which many maps use), but it does need some more interlocking and geomerging. The weapons...
You guys keep complaining about the size, but i threw together a quick game on this and its fine. Snowbound's natural bumps and odd terrain make...
Really creative and non-foundry. The shooting gallery idea seems to be a little overused, however. Nonetheless, it still seems like you have...
Thanks, once I get my xbox back from my friend(He borrowed it when he went to Florida) I'll work on one of my projects and hopefully have it done...
On this account: Ranked - Beatdown - AR - BR - Sniper - Frag - Shotty Social - Grav Hammer(5,000) - BR - Beatdown - Sword - Sniper -...
Living Dead is considered FFA and is ranked. Having a party in a ranked FFA = every achievement easily obtained and every medal easily obtained....
Thanks, I really did put some time into this map. Its reached 300 DLs making it my 3rd most DLed map(My sig has my other two). Also, about the...
The shield doors are too large for the dunk tank's box and making the box any bigger makes the tank look odd. As a side note, the map has reached...
Theres something about the pictures that make it feel unique. I cant tell just what it is, but your interlocking and geomerging are superb....
Just found this today and already started on a map, dont know if I can finish it in time. Its more of a minigame map. Spawn in a room with two...
To float the doors you dont need to have reciever nodes below them. They can float on their own
You can hardly tell that theres Flood under the Hog. Not all that interesting, honestly.
Lol was he trying to betray you with the hammer or is that the enemy?
This happened to me around 3 times on the same map, it was pretty gay. The big problem is if it glitches while you're already over the actual...
His characters are all the same, his mice proublably work on more than one computer
He was a Guilder(or Mason?) back in the older FH.
Voted, looks like you guys are in the lead. Are you on the football team?
Welcome to ForgeHub! Your post is up to the standards, great job! However, your map needs some tidying up. Like you said, its your first map and...