That's what Maxy said... And there's a Forging 101 on how to interlock movable objects.
The pic in the weekly update? That's from Friday
It's not a caption, whatever image hosting website he used added those when he copy and pasted the Code. And the pictures...really? Two sentinel...
You are an "idiot" because "take" should be "takes", "thats" should be "that's" and "secs" should not be abbreviated to show your "intellectual...
[IMG] Easy
[IMG] Sorry its late, had to go to Church. Its small for a reason, itd be too easy.
Someone's been posting alot of maps XD. The layout looks really nice, really smooth all around and looks like it has some strong BR capabilities....
Wow, really nice, everything is perfectly interlocked and merged. My only comment is the weapons, a little sparse don't you think? I understand...
There's a tut somewhere on this site explaining how to get them all the same color, try searching for it.
Much, much, much too open. The tank would dominate the battle field with the massive amount of LoS. Try geomerging some boxes and walls and such...
That was kinda corny and you just threw out the obvious but spiced it up a little bit. The elite is ready to kill, and then the CQB is going to...
The Pit has a map in the sword room and Im pretty sure its just a random map. Maybe the same here?
The first one, both have the door blocked off. The first one, however, looks cleaner and makes it easier for the team to move around. Im...
#3 - Duel wielded magnums, threw away one, walked back over either the pistol he threw away or the Commanders by mistake? EDIT: It still could...
Although H3 was the cause, I think it should be moved to a different section. Some people may click it expecting something H3 related(As in the...
A map with unlimited money
Mason Cain on the bungie site has canvases of everymap, i don't know about the TU2 ones, however. Unless you mean power canvas?
Took me a month(North East), and I believe the number is 1-800-4MYXBOX or something similar to that. Its on incase you don't already...
You may want to change the text color, its hard to read for Oldschool users.