Every world is randomly generated, it's cool. You can go to the website and play the old version, but it doesn't have anything to do besides stack...
Maybe if you "Bought it for a friend" I could help you out more. Just kidding DO EET!!!
Not too far in, once you have your entrance, go back a few squares turn, go a few more, turn. And occasionally put in a 3x3 Torch lit room so you...
Minecraft is pro. I wouldn't build caves into the ground though, or at least not at first. I'd keep going on the same level with some turns in...
MAYBE. You didn't see ANYTHING.
Well I guess you could make it say "Achievement Video", if you wanted too, you could also just copypasta the intro and replace the words with...
It's about 2 weeks till the release. They can do WHATEVER THEY WANT. And the updates have been just fine, no need to spoil any of the good stuff.
I decided to hold off on any projects till I can upgrade this poc recording setup. But right now, i'm making Achievement Videos for Achievement...
Since your such a Old Spice fan... [IMG]
"A skill is the learned capacity to carry out pre-determined results often with the minimum outlay of time, energy, or both." -Wiki Anything in...
Hmmm.... Blade, Armorer, Athletics, Alchemy, Speechcraft, Conjuration, Destruction, Marksman, Lockpicking, Sneak, Block, Hand to Hand. (These are...
Wish he could say he was the first to actually do this... I'm actually subbed to someone who did this, the next day someone copied the EXACT...