I went with a glass house in the sky, floor/walls/everything was made of glass. Almost high enough to see everything
Just got an epic world. Spawned next to a semi-large hill. Right in front of it is a emptly pond like area, and only 20 blocks away is the huge...
PS3 isn't even competition.... Let's face it... 360 has better exclusives. Except LBP.<3
I have 2 12-Months already :D $10 just doesn't scare me that much... :P I can collect that much in loose change in a a few months. ;P
Quiet you narrow-minded smart ass :O /sarcasm And I would really like if we just let all this hope of DLC just... go... away.... fly away... I...
Movie was pro...
I haven't played it since my membership ran out. Hook a brother up? :D Just kidding ;)
Matty you are naughty naughty. Offensive language? That made me grin
Still not banned. :P Just saying ;)
But that sounds like SO much work! Alrighty, thanks for the intro, I will see if I can find another achievement to do.
You torrent it? If so, gimme :(
I can't use .mp4 in Movie Maker. I could use it in Sony Vegas, but I only have that for 20 more days... Did you torrent After Effects?
Hmm can you convert it to a .wmv for a format?
Nope, but if you give me a torrent I'd be thankful. But cool, I don't think another game comes out with achievements that might prove challenging...
Tubes never done one of them before, and he only had 1 day to do it, a little slack? :( And hell yah I want one... Also, what about other games?
It's beautiful<3 Did you make that for me?
Windows Media HD for Xbox360. I think that's what it was called.
Watch in 720p. YouTube - Mafia 2: Stuck Up Achievement Guide Again, thanks to Youtuber for the intro.
Watch in 720p YouTube - Mafia 2 2for1 Achievements. Thanks to Youtuber for providing me with such a lovely intro.<3