You poor fool... I thought that too. My advice would be to avoid fighting as much as possible. Health packs are easy to find... Ammo on the...
You know you want he- I mean it. [IMG]
The HARDEST part I had the entire game was after the final standoff and you were on the cannon gun thingy. I got my ass served on it so many...
You could always spawn a new Flacon, then go to "Advanced Options" and click "Delete All of These", then put in a new one. If that is what you...
That was awesome... Ke(Dollar Sign)ha is the RC Cola of pop music.
I suppose you could do that. But the 'effect' wouldn't really be the same. The roll would be completed shortly after pressing the button, leaving...
How would I roll then delete the grid and have the roll animation without the grid in theater? So NOPE! And you can't really see it, but I have...
You can't evade unless you're standing on something. And I wasn't! Mwhahaha
Taken over the "ocean" in Forge World. I didn't jump off anything, anyone guess how I did it? [img]
Got there, signed up for a FFA tournament. Stood in line till about an hour before the tourny began. I think I did pretty good, out of about 20...
[IMG] Would this and my 3 lines of text be okay for a sig? Or should I lose the text, I can't seem to find the width/height of this image.
That is awesome....
Well well well... [img] Background.
It's not a race map. It does not matter if you are first to the end. And 'looks clean'... Are you serious? This map would take 30 minutes, 1 hour...
I am no amused! The first map couldn't have been an original idea? And frankly it looks sloppy, this map looks like a quick-forge without much,...
You got jipped! I sold a few games to Gamestop awhile back (Mass Effect 2, Army of Two 2, and Bioshock2) I got about $80 total...
That music is god-awful. You had the right idea (Although overused it may be) but your music choice wouldn't even let me get past the intro.
:D Just got a snowball level, dug up snowballs and made a bunch of igloos all over the place. :)