Underwater = 0 Visibility. That doesn't seem like it would play well for maps. Not to mention any types of lag caused by such.
That happened to me on Zealot sorta... Lunged for a guy, he evaded out, my guy lunged a bit to far into a lift. With momentum of the lunge + the...
I can describe it in two words. Armor Abilities. Nice vid.
The Rocket Hall looks a bit thin, I suggest widening it up a little bit. Also, depending on how much money you have left, add the a outward block...
It's Master Chi-... Wait a minute. Something's off here. [img] Fileshare Link:...
Just a fun moment I had earlier today. Thought I would share. Excuse the quality also, I wasn't using the correct settings when recording. But...
Check out this link for any information you may need about posting maps. Forge Hub - Announcements in Forum : Halo: Reach Custom Content
I couldn't remember who started the thread. I wasn't sure if someone else started it and you posted those pictures or you started/posted the...
Check your HDD. If the map file is gone, then there may be a problem. As of now, I would assume what Crypto said above me, and wait for it to go...
Go to the page for this video and watch in 720p. Subscribe, Comment, Take my pants off.<3 YouTube - Halo Reach: 1-Way Elevator Tutorial Just a...
I would like to know what a Safe Haven gametype is also, can someone with prior experience in this subject please comment on this? And non of that...
You said that both Ghosts need to be destroyed in 180 seconds to spawn a third one. Then you said your 2nd Ghost doesn't spawn until 180 seconds....
Is this what you guys are doing? YouTube - Halo Reach Glitches - Out of Forge World Tutorial
Ok i'll hop on that in a bit. I may split it into two videos also.
Hey for the video, for the camera. Did you want it to show the Select Tool? Or do you want it just be completely blank when the items appear?
I can't that video to you until tomorrow unfortunately. The other TV watcher doesn't believe in sharing.
A personal view, attitude, or appraisal. Learn this meaning. On-Topic. I haven't really played enough multiplayer to give a full accurate...
People do not know how to read/follow the rules. But your grammar is also at fault here!
Boss fight? Survive mofo! Arbiter? When was Arbiter ever there? Swoard? I wish I had a [img] I believe Jun died on the 2nd Pelican ship at the...
Human City: -Skyscrapers, with about 4-5 stories to Forge on. (About 4; in a square formation. (See territories gametype logo for idea)) -Parking...