I bit old... I would think they would fit more than one simple glitch in a video.
So far not much. Nobody has really volunteered to help out...
The shield makes you invincible, and if you run into vehicles, it pushes them. Not very far, but you could literally walk into a tank and be...
Alright... Just wondering. Seeing as how it's the host sign-ups were in the Pub section.
I guess you could make a small crouch height only back-door entrance using this. They wouldn't be able to see if anyone was coming in :D. And it...
If I lost my color name would my option to host TGIF again be gone? I know I have only hosted the last H3 TGIF and the 1st HR TGIF. But both went...
I need the video file again
**** I completely forgot. I promise to you I can get it recorded it tonight though, and depending on how my computer is doing possibly rendered...
You need to scroll down your signature size a bit. The max is 500 x 200. Yours is about 577 x 194. :D
At first glance I thought it was a grunt with yellow armor... Sweet? Looks kind of like the Spartan is the 'damsel in distress' and the grunt is...
That looks great. I would suggest submitting it to the Testers Guild so you can get some professional help on what you should do. Great idea and...
Spam. On-Topic: Take the links you have and put them in this format. [ img ] LINK TO PICTURE [ /img ] Remove the spaces of course.
You can thank me now. YouTube - Leo Strut
You need to use the 'IMG' code. Just add [ img ] LINK HERE [ /img ] Minus the spaces.
How about a small map with alot of building items? Don't be selfish. Haven't even tapped ForgeWorld secrets yet. Now instead of...
No confirmed I believe. But I wouldn't put it past them to whip up something. Maybe not another 'Forge World' but some new maps/invasion maps just...
Excellent idea. I may do a commentary tutorial over how to do this. Credits to you of course.
No Jetpacks? But on a more serious note, add a soft kill pretty close to the top of the map to avoid Jetters from going high enough to view the...
I did a few run arounds on this earlier. My only complaint would be the picture to actual size comparison. The opening space was much smaller than...