K Need some opinions, srsly. Should I jazz up this car or make a new one? I, myself say do this one up, Eg fix the wheels cause they...
kgo gogo
In about 20-25 mins, go into IRC so we can talk. :D Don't bother coming in now, I gotta go for 20-25 mins. ;) \o/
>.< Plizzy make a group called 'The peeps who want to have sex with Chipsinabox. I will happily not join it. :P
Looks nice, though it would be better if it was something else, maybe some movie like..... ...Transformers? ...The Dark Knight? xD
I would judge, but I really wanna compete. *Subscribes*
That is freakin' awesome man, keep up the great work. It pwnups.
Easy way out: Magic wand it, when it has the white outline, do this. Ctrl + Click on the little thumbnail next to the layer, selecting the...
Hawhawhaw. We only just recently did a children's book. Full marks ftw. I drew the pictures too. :D
Contrasting colours looks great for certain things, and sometimes it doesn't. For this though, I think it doesn't need to be changed. The...
Guess so. Hopefully I don't have anything on after it. xD
Online icon for the new skin should be this. : [IMG] But for the rep bars, I like Penguinish's a bit moar, they look more sleek. :D
Absolutely insane. I heard you've got like 34958 billion ideas ready, Matty? I've so far got one that may be unique.. ;D
Sunday for us would be much better, because I've got a Semi-final on the Sat and the times will probably clash..
Haha sounds fun, but requires honour rules, but that's fine. :D Also...what day will this be? Sat or Sun? And do you know what time it'll...
Maybe a little too simple. Try adding some pentools around the text or something. Jazz it up or 'neon' it up. Great work anyways.
So, afterall, because there are no physics and you are allowed to place anything anywhere, are caves possible, or underground tunnels as long as...
Sure. Can you give a brief explanation? :DDDD
Look at the original. :P I thought the front wheels were too fat too, but they must be really slickslickslicks equipped on that Lotus. xD