Layers..fill tool...sounds like I could do it with photoshop. Maybe I should give it a go and see what happens? Though new layer per piece...
Hahaha, ok. Well, for starters..I thought flash was an...'animation' sort of program? How do you do your stuff? Outline it, fill it in with...
Haha ok. I might need some help if you could kindly give to me, if I get my hands on flash... We are getting kinda offtopic right here. IRC or...
Heeeeellll no. Though it would be awesome if I DID make it. o.O You said you used Flash, riiight? What Ver. ?
[IMG] For you, Linu. Match that, and, by god, ****, you will be the definition of LEET. (I figured out how to hide the recycling bin, btw. :D)
oic Platinum made your sig. :D