Really? Thanks, ive been trying to find the damn thing on forgehub since i saw it last. Did the thread get deleted, or did it disappear with the...
no problem, i get it all the time
Very nice, only thing i think you could add would be more cover on the open portions of the map. You could also add some more aesthetic touches to...
astronaut, and the soccer one were epic
I personally cant wait till i get on again so i can try it
YouTube - Standoff Apocalypse Found this, and couldnt stop laughing
If her head bursts into flames, im outta here
If you havent noticed [and most players havent] the marines do something picture worthy, not to mention damn cool, as you start combat with the...
User Made, and winner at HBO for their mythic trailer contest Bungie's Version...
Maybe its just me, but the editing is a little too heavy Outside of that, not bad
Grit your teeth an bear it. The gas should pass soon enough
Better yet, have a pair of banshee flying around the entire time, and when ever someone yells do a barrel roll, they flip
i found it interesting how the opinions of TD changed as Meadowlands progressed
and this FR is coming from where?
Thanks for the cookie
Your post is not up to forgehub standards. Please read this
For the uninitiated, here you go. But for those of use who have heard of the game, what do you think? My personal thoughts are that it is...
ok, then i guess not much else to say now is there? Good luck with your next upload
i agree with theory. Personally i kinda with the ghost kill from halo 2 should have made it in there....
and this fr is coming from where?