I understand now, and it actually makes sense. Thanks so much!
I use left cmd on my mac, like left win on a pc for that, but okay :). I finally learned it right? Instead of pulling out my kit every damn...
Thanks mate, and yes, I should've cloaked, but there would be nowhere to uncloak, and it was a stab-train which I failed at yet at the same time...
YouTube - Need TF2 Spy Assistance, and some later Win‎ Video Description says it all: "I had some trouble with what I should do, and what...
YouTube - The Ultimate Showdown (with MP3 ?)‎ Enjoy.
The thing is, actually what I've been planning to say in my next commentary, is that disguising as the enemy spy has gotten me sooo much farther...
Sorry for the necro, but I just bought the game as well and wanted to fill up the ol' friends list. SteamID: sdrakulich
YouTube - Learning Tactics as a TF2 Spy‎ A quick video commentary after 2 days of having the game. Thoughts? Tips? Suggestions? Do tell!...
I made like 3 maps, all of which I like to think were carried out pretty well to cater to intense and fun FC2 play. I just think that since I...
Anyone remember farcryhub? That must have been the shortest existence ever. Oh well. it is far cry's developer's fault for not making a better...
Pentool around and vectorize it, and then you should be fine with blowing it up to your heart's content.
ohai thar
[IMG] Click Preview to Download
The two go together, I liked the style in the tut, so I tried it out. No can do without the squiggles :) CnC though?
Well now, look who has made one himself :) First graphics work in a 1 1/4 years. Word. [IMG] Ok...I'll say it, I followed a tut.... Signature...
Haha yes, I used to live with my mom, and i was online, but then I moved with my pops and he was against technology. I was practically amish for...
sooo.....who remembers MOI?
ohey guy.
ayo sean! You gonna be on live december 23rd through new years? Imma be in MIA with my moms so I can play xbox