As govna, presidente, and mayoro of Uptown, I present to you your representative for FH's needs on Uptown, telling me what is needed from you...
NOW? Omg epicsex...go on skype btw I MUST talk to you.
What will happen to the idea that there will be no payment later? I doubt steam would support that...
maybe, follow the instructions I posted above and it raises your chances... LOL I just noticed what Virus said makes him sound super...
Well, some updates: This is the expansion of Uptown. Real estate is up for grabs, just please ask me. Yes, I do do favorites. Be nice :)...maybe...
Screw working on SMP, he has to stop all deals NOW. His idea of Minecraft will get distorted if it goes to will go in a whole other...
Real estate in development. For your safety, please do not build here yet. Thank you. [IMG] /\ Uptown 2 /\
Yes, with noclip the world is open to possiblities :D Hey defy! They are having sex in our lovebed!! [IMG]
I present to you prime real estate screenshot, all taken. Soz. Hya: [IMG] Right around sdrak-ville, we find Uptown, with the arrow pointing up....
Ahem. I now pronounce UPTOWN (virtual) property (:D ) of Just_defy, Homer, Virus(something), and me myself and I. Enjoy, and come visit us...
Hey guys, I made a video response to X's "X-Combo Challenge" Here is the original video: YouTube - X145 - X's Adventures in Minecraft - 038 -...
Download skins from, and follow the tut they have on there for how to install them...I chose most of mine in a combination of style...
Once you get flare, the pyro gets a whole new dimension. Thanks !
Maybe you could drag the world file over...
Oh well, anyways he was a douche to me a while back, and then restarted his assholeness again after 2 years. I hate this guy. You're cool though.
I just know how much of a freaking douche you can be, so it's not that far of a jump, trust me....god I hate trolls. And the guy deleted his...
Well, I plan on hosting an unnofficial server anywho, so maybe I can get in there after. My server will have a prebuilt city, and then everybody...
I'll do that, but I can't join at all. I did join earlier, but there was nothing to be seen from my spawn.....on FH's server....what? BTW I joined...
Teach me how? I'd like to join from my local client