Ever Google searched your exact username? The first picture is awesome.
You found it.
Online what?
Thanks! I used the same render as you and Michael, just reversed.
Lol !
Kilr0n tested too?
I love you too...
Agreed. The ground floor has a better angle on the field, you don't have to adjust your aim as much, and you can hit a yellow player no matter...
I don't really want to, and we each already have one. But shiny nametags DO make you look official XD
Aww, you know I really do feel bad about things like that...
DeathToll says add you.
Alright, thanks for telling me, and thanks for planning to download a map I worked on!
Hehe, I noticed you filled out your own slot in the Thanks list.
Why thank you!
I see you've seen Hot Spots. Thanks for the complement message, lol.
"And GIBBAR!!!" Awesome.
Yealh, but I'd take hours getting a photoshop *perfect*... whilist I have a ton of homework. We'll see, I've also been hinted at do do a group set...
And just who are you? I don't think we've met.
Lol, I see what you did there with your Avatar.
The Hot Spots thread is a ***** to edit because of the list BBC. I'll add you to the thanks list.