DeathToll WAS sick all day.
Dude, your sig and avatar kick ass now!
Not... even... Gibbar?
Seriously? Whoa! We never picked anything up when we tried!
You're a really good artist in a bunch of different styles. Photoshop, pencil, cans [lol]. Kind of makes me want to draw something, my drawings...
I added him at least 11 hours before you asked...
Oh I get it. That says "nou", doesn't it?
You must change your "idiotninja is 0001001100110111" statement to something involving the words 'Needler' and '*****'. It's a mapmaker trend...
Wow, this film blew me away! All I could think of was: “This is machinima?” I'm really looking forward to the continuation of the series. The...
"The game is already out and is getting ratings of around a 9.0" Gee, that was quick. Thought it'd at least be a month before it came out with the...
Added you to the Thanks list! I always italicise Thanks list for some strange reason...
You could say the same for the first two Halo 3 trailers as well. This is cinematic, there are other videos with gameplay, however limited the...
I had nothing to do with making this, I'm just posting it here because it's beautiful. Isn't this a...
Wilco, Catmon out.
Do I ever! But I have homework to do and my sister is attempting to play Xbox at the moment... >_< EDIT: And oh yealh, I'm just checking the...
The left side looks really cool, but the right side looks empty in both versions. I'm no professional sig-maker, but a saying, name or symbol...
Bombing Run, UT2004, Killballs, Epic, Enough said.
Professional musician, Movie director, Script writer (All fields of media), Editor (All fields of media), Cameraman, Photographer, Teacher, Video...
I always try to take the good path in games. You might call it boring, but it's true to my personality and has some great bonuses! (Not getting...
Here you go, I made it for you. Good original map idea! Don't forget to take the credit for it!