Man, that guy is going to get arrested, or beat up, or both! I thought it was hilarious! Most of those people didn't notice the cameraman/woman.
It's useless...?
I reported Nemi's Rick roll post in off topic. Hope you did too, that was completely uncalled for.
How was lunch?
No, I went to do some work. Then I realized I could use your help.
In this dark time, someone stands up and slaps everything we've come to know in the face with blunt Jpeg. +rep Ohwait... [spoiler]
I saw that poem you posted, that was pretty damn good! Actually, I read the rest in your blog. Sotha, you really impressed me. You have a great...
[IMG] Hot off of I saved it off of Bungie Online Stats.
Sounds like a great idea if done right. But the thing is, VIP is selected after the spawning phase, so the VIP can't be set to spawn separately...
Republic Commando 2 Frontlines: Fuel of war 2 Dead Space 2
You guys should just drop it, no use in fighting anymore. Now, I'd like to hop into one of the waiting list's open spots: [IMG] Johnson Graphic...
The original Lego Starwars game. Found all the secrets, save one. And also Halo 3 because of it's popularity, and the stereotypes that surround it.
Looks like you've hit the hit the OLN. (As said above) That's the message, it can pop up even if you still have budget. If you have spawned a...
Role Models was a great movie! You had me at the title reference. I like the simplicity of the sig, it doesn't really need anything fancy to put...
Quake 3 remake map! Looks very cool and true to the original, but it still has that Halo gamepley. Now please direct your attention to this post....
The green is neat, everything else is same old, same old. The irony hit me like an anvil falling from skyscraper height when it came to that...
No, I don't.
This show is great, I don't know why I like it so much either. I should watch more of them so I can call myself a fan. What's your favourite episode?
I saw this when it first came out, and I left a comment on Youtube. Brilliant and haunting, end song was the perfect touch. I think I'll post...
I don't care about the Bungie favourites part, I'm joining because this sounds like an interesting project. Sign me up for Mark V. Gibber007