i vote spagetii, it stood out as i scrolled down and the way he used the colors in the background is pretty cool. also mine is from scratch so...
shouldnt you be doing this.
how is mine no one responded last time. its my sig. it was done completely by hand no renders or c4ds even the eye. and inmy opinion hells your...
i think it is called a tablet. that is really good, some people just have it
how is mine [IMG] do you think the snudge in the to left is to bright or should be removed
best thing to do is to go to where you bought it and return it for a new one, just keep the hard drive. worked for me, just dont leave any games...
so i was just wondering what are peoples least favourite of all the halo 3 maps. and also how could they be saved from all of your hatred, just...
well here is min, it was made from scratch using no renders at all even the eye. hope you like it, and it should count for vibrant colours. [IMG]
okay ill try it thanks.
jees i always chose the wrong text what do you recommend
yes dont take someone elses but rather look at a tutorial and adapt it with the joker, make it your own dont copy.
this was a picture i made, and it doesnt use any renders in it at all. just color. so if you could comment so i can try to get better, i would...
here is one murdock it has a creepy theme [IMG]
something other than a sig is not a foreign concapt here is one i did. [IMG]
i believe that the background isnt the best, it doesnt go with the sig in my opinion. but the render is great i like how you did the contrast and...
i think i have an idea ill try it. here it is (oh and i will get to murdocks but im tired now and will go to sleep). [IMG] here is the other...
im stuck and cant think of anything to do, could some of you great artists give me some inspiration, thanks. oh and by the way i still need some...
i have two sigs but wich one to chose either this one, [IMG] or this one, [IMG] which shall it be please help.
i vote smeagle because the otherone is way to busy and simplicity is sometimes key.
well here is mine, it is not quite as dark as everyone elses but it is still sciennce fiction [IMG]