but will they take the time line off the top of the video. cause some sites left it on and it really ruins it sometimes if there is a time bar at...
i cannot believe what they did to this. i feel incredibly sad for his father, but the fact that they have turned a game like halo 3 into the root...
don't know if any of you have seen this, but it is a wonderful take on the little mermaid song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbazH6aE2g
well it would be good if you used foundry and made a completely new map with none of the original showing. But with the machinima, i found that...
this is really good. i love it when people make enclosed maps, it makes the map feel more original. the aesthetics are also good and it looks...
okay thanks you have been added to the list. and also do try to show up if you sign up thanks. also virtual realities are fun. no pain tons of...
I really would like it if more people could help, thanks!!!! Me and my friend Meta 99 are currently working on a machinima. We are partly...
wow those computers are amazing its great waht you did there with the aesthetics. deatail instaed of only looking like a giant lump. really good...
thanks wasnt sure how it worked
so i heard that it is possible to record your tv screen with a camcorder. And no not recording the screen on a tripod, but plugging the camcorder...
tried all that i slept for nearly a month and became really good nothing helped. oh weel i started over
so i started the game and got to the ritual. it tells me to talk to abbot but there is a monk standing in the doorway to the temple and i cant...
tommorows the day, i have waited nearly two years for this game to come out. ever since i heard a second one would be done i have waited....
It looks delicious!
umm i fail to see how it is funny. also he has bad grammar. it should be AN atack not a attack
um chaos might not happen if you are killed before you can pick up those weapons, not very complex and looks like it took a few minutes. More...
strong guy, didnt even stop his lesson
I wonder where the cars go after they go up.
so is it modding or something else, i guess that is how they did the rvb reconstruction episode wondered how they did it.
i forgot you could geomerge like that everyone uses doors nowadays. nice.