you noticed, well done. anyway i hate these commercials where the peoples voices are so off. they seem like they are getting a present from...
this should not have been posted here. if you are looking for a map you can search it in the search tab or post this in halo forge discussion....
The names people come up with. I wunder what they were thinking when they came up with that name, seriously, did they not think something like...
glad you all like it, and sorry i have not been to H3artificers, I only knew how to make the wire switch from a friend. Credit has been given to...
Tell me if this is done already, but i don't think it has. download the trap here : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Looking at...
spawn a box where you want it to be sunk into the ground near the back alley. then set it to not spawn at start. float a double box at the same...
one thing i have to say. never make a weapon cache like that and put it in a map on forge hub. Unless the zombies are super damage resistant....
would you be doing this all over xbox live, because remember you cant put weapons down over live. I could build some of the sets for you if you...
great map i played this last night and it was wonderful. the bottom pit is a nice idea. Good way to catch people off guard. Definitely...
good to know that some people enjoy hard work. good luck.
i don't know i have never tried it. could work though. there is another thing you could do with the min max switch. some guy on halo 3 artificers...
got an idea for the random kill switch. interlock sender teleporters into the ground or place them above the ground if you don't mind them being...
well have you ever seen an Ansel Adams photo. black and white, but beautiful. Foundry is the best we have to work with, so we make it work....
you will want to download this game. for being free and all i was rather suprised. the graphics are not the best ever, but that didn't distract...
looks good but those pillars around the middle that fill in the holes don't lokk like a very good way to block it off. or are they immovable now?...
thats fine, when i typed that i was mostly trying to tell people to stop flaming. take your time. glad people are finally saying nice things.
well i am a person who gets annoyed at people who flame these threads. This thread has four pages of pointless posts saying pretty much the same...
how about this idea. if you don't like the way he critiques maps, then leave the thread and let it dissapear. by continuously posting you have...
nice map. i like the weaving in and out of the central area, and the death pit seems to be used quite well. must try this one. though the...
must agree but sometimes its good to be mean to help people improve, just look at Gordon Ramsey and Simon on american idol. Mean but needed.