wow you are so organised in your house. i got the penthouse siute, but i have never been in it. everything is so organised in there. nice.
the elites look so much more original. the spartans are boring, i also mainly have the elite for the fact that no one else has one. the only...
well i will say what others have said befoore, this is a great map. i have played this many times and it kept getting better, wonderful map. It...
yeah well i put the ditch there so it was slightly obvious where it was and i was to lazy, Also there is actually a man cannon, i dont know if...
well i thought of making an opening door, it should be possible, you could take the same map here, in theory, and put the dumpster facing upwards...
i like the idea of the spining wire spools for aesthetics. mine i will start tonight. got a good idea, i want to focus more on the central...
well i found the video and here it is(could be it?????)
remember that map that bungie had with one of their acceptance speeches where they had a huge group of players, and mary o'donnel was thanking his...
i changed the opacity of the right side a bit . it makes it slightly brighter. what do you think
so i haven't been in photoshop awhile and finally i decide to try again. i got a cool screen shot during a crazy custom game. so i decided to...
it appears that you have used about 12 double boxes for that part. i don't think you will be able to fully do this. i suggest using double walls...
the grav lift causes a problem, when you walk in would the lift not push you out, anyways nice using the soccer balls to cause harm as well as block.
i remember seeing that it was hilarious i saw it about two years ago though, still good
if you bought it you would probably end up with a master chief helmet that is slightly bubbly and melted on top, wonder how much he would sell it for
one question about the tenpenny tower . i let the ghouls in but for some strange reason, Mr. Burges was still alive and happy. Ant way, my guys...
the fact that it is hidden is what is different, i agree it is like any other switch, except you will never know when you set it off. the...
really i thought the music was okay, i dont like that type of music, but i thought it worked fine. quite well done, the shots all fit together,...
you know i have noticed that most people complain about the online in gears of war. i don't care about the online, all i wanted it for was the...
but the problem with that one is that it is budget glitched, and there are alot of boxes floating out of the map already. you have to get rid of...
yay bumped, but no seriously, thanks for the review, glad you got around to it, and i hope you didn't hurt your neck to bad. and just so you know...