Ya I agree. No offence to ya. And didn't you just get GIMP? We just helped you to get it and you are already opening a sig shop? That just doesn't...
New Sig Didn't do too much to it really. Do you like the effects? [IMG] V2 [IMG] V3-Lighting [IMG] V4-B/W [IMG] V5 [IMG] V6 [IMG]...
I saw this and the sequel. They were pretty funny and stupid for a prono. I did not find it hot at all because of the gross like diseased body...
Ya that has happened to me so OK. Well if you need to know anything else just PM me
Wow Con your work is simply amazing! I just looked through all 9 pages and am really inspired by all the great work I saw
Oh ya idk what is up with that I think it is probably my computer screen or something or the different color BGs of FH and GIMP ya know
Yes and no. I asve two copies. One as a PSD and one as a PNG for uploading because PNG is good quality isn't it? Why do you ask?
Oh and what you do is open up both and use one of the select tools on the image u want 2 cut out and then select and copy it and paste it onto the...
Do you have MSN? Cause I would much rather use that instead of this Visitor message system cause I'm sure you'll have more questions.
NOT TRUE! GIMP is just as good as PS in almost every way except that PS has a few more things. But really GIMP is pretty much the same except PS...
Ya well it all takes time. PM someone that uses GIMP such as me or LockdownN, RodPod, or who ever else. But not Hari he doesn't have GIMP :P
OK calm down boys text shall be removed.
Ya I think I might darken the BG cause it didn't look that orange in GIMP...
lol are we really talking about what illegal ways are better to DL PS? Thats great but I use GIMP and I can honestly say I have used PS before and...
Ya I was thinking of adding another Gradient Map or something involving colors like fooling around with the curve tool. or something
OH ok well then I guess you should change your sig cause if they're are equal in awesomeness then why not keep it changin ya know?
New Sig [IMG] V2- For you Izumi [IMG] V3-Izumi again :P [IMG] V4-Diz and Izumi [IMG] CnC
Looks cool but why put Izumi since you are now Rod Pod? But I don't know if you should replace it in your current cause they're both good.
Makes sense I guess and I guess the objects aren't too close to the ground so you win... :P
So on this sig I was mostly experimenting on things that other people have told me. So this one is for you Lock and anyone else from a few GFX...