First 3 are so good. Wicked awesome smudgings XD
Captain America Sig V1 [IMG] V2 With Effects [IMG] Tell me what you thank yo :P CnC
It really just looks like you replicated you spidey sig effect but on Bumblebee here.
rofl its K. I didn't care how I learned **** as long as I learned **** :D So it doesn't matter Frag
lol wasn't this planned for last weekend? Anywho I actually looked up some tuts on my own and learned about how to use lighting in sigs. So I...
Maybe try some lighting in the top left? But nothing too bright. But that is pretty hawt
Wow the third shirt is pretty cool. Looks great. I am not much of a vector person but what vector program do you use?
2 Rorschachs and in the middle a power ranger helmet.:D
Ya I thought so it was messy too I'm thinking maybe a Abstract C4D? y/n
Uh GIMP and so thanks you for making this ur WP. And so you want some more lines flying out to the right? OK ima try dis:D
This time I was going for a more simple empty look and actually used brushes on this mostly...Anywho just tell me what you think! [IMG]...
OK I am working on a more blended version atm. And I know about Gradient Maps but not much about Photo Effects but I doubt those are on GIMP. Oh...
I know cause I don't have ur PSDs but I thought it looked like ur needled one since we used the same render and stuff. But ok
So I made teh new sig for ya'll. Pretty simplistic but when I was done I was like whoa that looks just like one of Haris sigs and I rofled. So ya...
Ya you can just Scale it down on a slider.
Actually that is not very good looking but I feel like I did something wrong...
Ya I was thinking about V6 with the blurred effects and B/W-ing that one. But thanks. No CnC at all cause above all I want to improve. V7 added
Hey Urk I am just wondering...Do you work on the games at Bungie or just sorta spin on your chair and every once in a while update the Bungie Blog?
lol that is great. I think I have seen that or something like that before. And I don't think that it is him drawing guys
OK so I shouldn't put effects at the side of a tag? Ok. And I am not good with lighting so if any GIMP people that know how to use the lighting...