/\ That. When I looked at this originally, I was actually confused by what I was seeing, and thought the white patch on his back was his face in...
Should I put it into the form of a contest so that it IS official?
I'm going to advertise the server I go on Olympus, and it is really the best server I have been on, great community, well run, just the right...
Your signature is done, check your thread The Whole Load (giggity).
I actually do prefer it in its simpler version.
Too simple *GASP*
To be honest, I would never have known that was supposed to be a heart, but nonetheless, this is awesome.
I'm sorry but that is just hilariously obvious amateur work... One of the things my graphic design teacher always has said is that putting...
I uploaded all my images onto my webhost, then set a script that randomly pulls one out.
I don't really understand what about co-op would make things worse in anyway. You can easily choose not to participate in it if you so choose, but...
I soooo utterly disagree with that statement.... IMO everything is better co-op, because it allows for new and awesome dynamics, allows you to...
[IMG] Sorry about not spelling your name right (e not 3), I did this while at school so I had no way to reference this thread while doing it...
1:Call Of Duty Multiplayer Fee Coming -- Analyst Michael Pachter - G4tv.com 2: Activision Hints At Subscription-Based 'Call of Duty' Again...
I am not looking forward to pay to win multiplayer personally... They said that the multiplayer would not be pay to play, but that for the...
This more or less what you wanted? I can add some splatter effects like that example if you want, this is just a simple coloring of your picture....
Hahaha er1co thats the portal gun...
/\ That for the most part. Of them, I think Evoke is actually the best executed. The ones which attempted to do the standard type of signature...
Critique and Criticism is what CnC means, and the reason the tag is on there is to indicate you want feedback on your work. I am just on lunch...
I few things that need to be improved here; Center your focal more, currently it is too far off to the side. This leaves quite a bit of empty...