Just sort of something I had an idea for, idk, it didn't come out the greatest, probably could have found a better stock and text, and spent some...
Hmm ya that is a result of the lighting effects, I really should have corrected that... But I more or less just went with what I usually do for...
[IMG] V2 [IMG] V3 [IMG] (Making of, sped up.) Speed Creation - Rygan Deathblade - YouTube
I think the C4Ds immediately behind the monitor are somewhat too blurry, they dont match well with the other parts of the background. The...
6 and 7 were showing my attempts at new styles, and the 8th is not a signature, but a quiet advertisement, meant to attract while not being...
For that one I just gave? I think it was Existence Light Font | dafont.com
The .psd file is on my other computer, I'll get it out later, then change it for you. Edited by merge: [IMG] There you go.
Those are fairly standard arrow vectors and circle vectors, they probably are not the same ones, but you never know, I have like 50 brushes of em,...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] (Name edited out, and that is me in the image.) [IMG] [IMG] (not a sig, this one is the image link to the...
Hmm well from what I can see you probably messed with contrast, hue/saturation and text here... The contrast is overdone; look to points such...
Ah ok, that makes sense, if there is a legitimate reason then it is understandable. It is always interesting to look at your early attempts and...
Hmm seems you set the contrast too high on his visor... Lighting is slightly off, his armor shows the light coming from the upper left, yet the...
Hmm. I think I would crop some of the right side off, and bring the lightsource closer to the odst, I think that would bring it together nicely.
First effect for sure, so thats the one im talking about... Holy this is a huge improvement since the last time I remember seeing you post....
Only one thing that I noticed, and that is that you should use a different texture layer for each lineset (white to orange) because at one point...
My city on the server I go on (bannerized for presentation on their forum) [IMG] In order overview (it has since expanded and been built on),...
Made this as a request for someone on another forum, just figured I would post it here and see what you guys think about it [IMG]
Hes probably using a version of photoshop or GIMP. If you aren't using one of those, I would recommend using them. Photoshop is obviously the well...
Hey, I just got back from vacation, so sorry for the wait. I think I took that picture on sword base (trivia), and I just sort of manipulated it...
As an argonian and the nerevarine, I have killed every single slaver in morrowind... Racists can't hold me back! Argonian ftw!