Looks far too small to be classed as an 8-10 player map ... it looks to be the length of 3(ish) wall coliseums, which will be mental with a lot of...
FYI These images auto update, if you hadn't noticed ... UPDATE!!1 Raider helmet with frost visor..
The things that bug me most are: 1. object textures - specifically on Ravine. They're a horrendous 'dirty porcelain' colour ... not very...
Pretty much what I said to Stevo a couple of days ago ... [spoiler]
Wii60 ... is that you? Can i kiss you? +rep
KOI NO YOKAN is out. It is stunning. Deftones can do no wrong. From new album. Sex in my ears. Deftones Leathers - YouTube Deftones - Swerve...
I don't even ... Edited by merge: This. ****.
Welcome. This Asian random is the law here ... and he's not impressed at the thought of you breaking any rules ... so don't do it. He's warning...
This. People have become lackadaisical ... the reason Forge was fun to start with is because it was challenging, you actually got a sense of...
Use DOSBOX with the ScummVM for sound replication. I've had a pretty high success rate for old old old games ... I run W7 x64 Pro.
US ELECTION FACT: During the election itself neither candidate can campaign. Both men are locked in a room and forced to watch Highlander.
This thread has been reported to the authorities.
*gets huge boner for Solstheim* ... Seriously, it was the best add-on in the history of Elder Scrolls ... that Glacier was amazing when you first...
I'm not kidding, that made me laugh so hard that I nearly expelled liquid faeces from my asshole.
I knew what he meant. AWOL = Absent without Leave I just couldn't remember there being as many options for cars in FM4 ... although, it may just...
Is it just me, or are there a fair few more body kits available in Horizon than there were in FM4? This is something that I approve, massively....