Hold me
What's said in Dolan chat stays in Dolan chat. Fgt.
That makes it sound like the singular. In reality you get poo'd on regular. As standard.
only the pretty ones
i sometimes smell the seat of chairs where pretty ladies have sat, just incase they let some sweet bowel-scented gas escape from their pucker...
I forgot to mention that the girlfriend in the picture is dead.
sometimes I go into my attic into a little box that is made of wood and in that box is a polaroid picture of an ex-girlfriend of mine and she is...
I sneak into the kids playgroups and switch the clothes of the children who have the same colour hair when their parents aren't looking. Then when...
This. Although, for me, it died quite a while before.
Sounds like a Peter Molyneux game. Would be awesome though ... Total Recall essentially ...
Sexy picture is sexy. Hope you get the feeling back bro ... my sister had the same thing happen, didn't lose the feeling in her fingers though....
Big Freeeeeeeeeeeze
No offense dude, but those screenshots are absolutely disgusting. I have never been more distracted by an ugly border in my entire life. The...
Silence your apologies. Good to see you doing well :)
To be honest its not good enough in the slightest that it has taken this long to get the fileshare online. Bungie had it working out of the box...
Sorry guys, but when I saw the trailer I burst into laughter as soon as Russel Crowe started singing. "singin' songs an' fightin' people all...
Y u no have me on Skype D: TexturedSun (my skype name) ...