I really just want to know what makes it so Hunter-y. They said it had something to do with the skybox.
Gah. If only I was better with Photoshop...
@American10 Are some of those pictures from FC:IP, or other games? And where would you suggest looking for FC:IP. I don't really think gamestop...
Under the Radar games.. Not ultra-hyped blockbusters. Brute Force was a great game, along with Republic Commando. Vexx was cool, I never did...
Kyogre. Oh Em Jesus.
Things like that are entirely possible. Someone was able to reconstruct the Eiffel Tower out of pipes and boxes and still have a map made around it.
I'm Back-ish. =]
Lmfao. "WWOAHHH!" "There's a guy ov-WHOAHHH!" "And we wanted the map to be ope-WOAHHHH!"
I can see them just fine now. Before they didn't show up.
Really, just shut up. You're not doing anything to better this thread, so just leave. No one needs your trolling. @Goldenknight - There's a new...
Commanders: Attack of the Genos.
Yeah, back in the days when FH was just starting, I was made the first "Mason", the aesthetic forger guy that made pretty maps, or Jesus by some....
Bungie's down.
One of the maps shown had a rating of about 68,000/30,000. That's way above the set limitation, and the lag meter didn't spike at all around the map.
I really want to focus on awesome gameplay elements. Hang-gliding onto an island fortress, raiding a warehouse at midnight in pouring rain,...
Jeez. Lukems is pissed.
Yeehaa. Lets see. 1. Far Cry 2 2. Spore (Getting new comp + Comcast setting up new highspeed like feet from my house.) 3. Fallout 3 4. Call of...
1. We aren't sure at this point if you will be able to design your own items, but so far we've seen that landscapes are able to be textured. Not...
Mentioned in this video. Starting 5 minutes in. "There's been some construction of the Eiffel Tower with pipes." "So if you just want to be...
An overall straightening up would do this map some good. I would start with the fence walls in the first picture. Other than that it's pretty good...