I'm around 60%. I didn't get to play at all today though, I should be up near 80 ish.
I did story first. So far it's everything I've hoped for and heard about. The map is immense, but restricted by natural obstacles like cliffs and...
I really want to. I'm probably going to head out and get a visa giftcard to use to buy the full version. My dad would never put his CC number on...
It's an immensly fun game that I got hooked on the minute it finished installing. Seriously. You'll see what I mean if you do try the demo. Go...
Yeah, your video card sounds messed up. Make sure all the A.V. cables are in properly, though. And make sure some of the settings didn't get...
Oh my sweet Jesus. I had no clue that was even possile in the editor...
Lawful, I'm glad you like it. EDIT: Meh. Forget it, my idea was stupid.
Lol Asper. For a second I didn't think it would make it. I didn't know you could put wheels on those things either... Found a big glitched...
Fantastic Contraption: A fun online physics puzzle game Wow. Freakin shot in the dark.
Whares tha superjumpz? =D I don't comment on maps often, but this one really caught my attention. You did an awesome job bringing this over...
I found Awash incredibly easy. =D Fantastic Contraption: A fun online physics puzzle game
Try to beat Magic Pen with the least amount of shapes.
I find Kongregate games to be extremely slow at points.
That reminds me! Magic Pen walkthrough, review, discussion, hints and tips at Jay is Games
Some'o mine.. Fantastic Contraption: A fun online physics puzzle game Boring Fantastic Contraption: A fun online physics puzzle game Boring...
...pop into www.jayisgames.com. Bunches of free games reviewed and handily put into catagories. My personal favorites... Matt Sandorf: Journey...
Call me old fashion.
OMFGGUNBOUND I really want to install it on my compter, but my profile doesn't have the rights to install or edit the Reg. Meh. I loved playing...
I has evolved again...