Is there a video of Assembly's skybox out there anywhere? I've checked around everywhere but I can't find one.
Eh. I was kinda hoping for an actual RPG on the iTouch. I'll stick with Warfare Incorporated, Enigmo, and Sim City.
Why has no one mentioned Far Cry 2 yet? It may have some bad gameplay, but the graphics were beautiful.
You Have to Burn the Rope
Fraxy kicks WF's ass.
Play Fraxy. Really. Translate the page with Google translator or whatever. It's a top down boss rush space shooter with huge bosses and a great...
Why thank you. And the glitches won't ruin it. Hell, TF2 has lasted a loooooonnnnggg time with skywalking and all it's other glitches. It's even...
Real life>Video Game life A sucky player is going to get bitched out by the coach if he does stuff like that. Would you let someone who can't...
Hah. I know the guys that started the first one. Really though, it's a game, who cares... So someone pushes a generator in front of a door, laugh...
Cube is available as a port to the iPhone and iTouch. The controls are a bit iffy, but it's a free FPS that runs well on a handheld MP3 player.....
Is it my computer or the game itself that's being jerky and skipping frames?
*sniffles* I miss those Bacta stations...
Look pretty awesome so far. I know nothing of video editing, though, so those parts look fine to me. You've got yourself some good sniping skills...
Borken link to the video.
Killed my teammate, killed me trying to help teammate, cornered the rest in the dirt tunnel behind the flaming stuff and killed both of them too.... *was just about to say this.
Bah. 20G HD sucks.. But I just got a Datel X360 transfer cable, so goodbye to limited harddrive space. I'm probably going to have Orange Box, FC2,...
Again. The two games are nothing at all alike. Think of Far Cry 2 as "Africa Adventure 2". Far Cry was just on the title for recognization factor.
In all honesty, rent it before you buy it. I've seen people that say they hate it, and I've seen people that say they love it. It's one of the two...