Haha, sorry guys. Took me a while, but I think I can make up for it. Here's three Halo based emblems and tutorials. [IMG] [IMG] Handle...
I'll get a picture of the layers when I get on later.
...but I still love you! My Black Ops playercard :D [IMG]
Yup, its like a burst fire machine gun. Haha, and it shows up as nothing on your carnage report. Check it out, its down at 22 kills. Bungie.net...
Shooting a bigass chin gun! :D Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details *rendered for your viewing pleasure Try it yourself: Rally point bravo...
Ohhai, long time no see ForgeHub. Just wanted to stop by and drop this off since I though it was pretty cool. It's how I imagined the Sentinels...
Sorry about not getting back for a while, but better late than never... :) I really appreciate the comment! I've never really had anyone adore my...
I played today with some friends. After months and months on hiatus from Halo, in my second game I got my first legit perfection. It was pretty...
My vote would go out to map glitches, as there is absolutly no way (nor has been for a while) to mod Left 4. Period. The Orange Box on the...
I used to be this forum's very first Mason. Now look at me.. :sad face:
I watch. I post. I sink back into the shadows.
You can order a free HD transfer kit to move the files from HD to computer to New HD....
I was really looking forward to one in GoW 2. Any time there was a large open area with not a lot of cover, I walked really slowly anticipating a...
So it turns out that the cloud of engineer strategy actually works pretty well. My friend sent over 15ish engineers to the opponents base and...
Garry's Mod is for PC? WOAHMG
Woo! Bump. Anyways, my friends and I were discussing two very unique strategies today at lunch. The first, sending a cloud of engineers over...
Hell yes, I can't wait for Sandbox.
Uhm.. Put-put minigolf on the Sega Gamegear. Lawl that was a long time ago.
Does this look like co-op to anyone else..?
Oh yeah! (..wat?)