Charlie Stross is hosting an open conversation on other things we could have bought with the money wasted in Iraq: for example, we could have...
EDIT MARCH 31, 2011: Download Sapphire Download Rave Flag Version 3 Download Team Raver Version 2 Download Rave King Remix, by Vorpal Saint...
With all of the years bush has been in office, this has to be the most helpful program he has ever tried to launch....
I just found videos of my friend... Random and mean, but they make me cackle inside. BTW I am not in these....
I have posted this in the general chat, instead of off topic, because I don't want posts that consist of "ZOMG wtf roflcopter that lady iz kewl...
The chorus is epic.
China must explain themselves. - China's Wild Animal Market -
I have posted this in the general chat, instead of off topic, because I don't want posts that consist of "ZOMG wtf roflcopter that guy iz kewl...
As most of you have taken notice to the fairly new [and banned], member Bushido Elite. The reason why he received the banhammer, was that he stole...
[IMG] Bungie thread > FIXING BRUTES [Warning, thread contains vast amounts of bumps] I had to put my name as author in the description, because...
I'm developing a foundry map using immobile wraiths as mortars against waves of the infected. What are your thoughts?
To complete your day, here is the best animal fight video ever using fresh techno beats. Bear vs Wolves
Good Afternoon! This is my second map contribution, so constructive criticism would be appreciated. Although quite offensive to some, this...
Weeeee!! Your thoughts?
Note: This is a very old map thread. Version 5.0 is on the way. This is Windtunnel v4.2, a foundry map designed to hurl large objects such as...
i recently have received a copy of photoshop CS3, and i decided to bite off that one dude and make some paranorma pictures of gaming moments you...