Well it's not in the editing options, so I guess I just didn't try it the manual way. Thanks for the welcome! :D
I'm not sure if any of you remember me, but I used to be xblg (xbox live girl). I didn't abandon any of you, I just lost internet for a few (6)...
Hi there! Welcome to FH! <3
Definitely my favorite aesthetic maps I've ever seen, and should definitely be turned into a map pack feature. :]
If this is good, I'll definitely look into it. Even though Halo 3 is almost over.
This is exciting. I can't wait to toy around with forge and possibly make things I could never think of with Halo 3. :]
ahahaha, you're funny. you should have told me that when we FIRST met, silly. I was closer to 13 and could have reversed the aging process MUCH...
Supreme support player. Just played a game of Construct hill. My stats? 130 hill time. 6 kills. 18 assists. shoop da whoop.
can you make pretty signature thingys?
No matter how much they improve the quality, I will always be asked that question. This is interesting though. I'm intrigued to see if they can...
don't worry, it happens.
sure . . .
I quit my S&D game to watch this. Spectacular. :]
:D I'm ok with this statement.
Thanks! <3
xblg please. :]
Thank you! I'll remember to keep the food to myself, like a good fatty kitchen wife. :]
Anything besides MLG atm. Lots of fun custom games and social slayer. :]