Nope, unfortunately those callouts are exclusive to the official Invasion maps (Boneyard, Spire, Breakpoint, and Highlands).
This thread is for people to share and discuss what they're currently working on in Forge.
2:06 in the video, watch the far left. DERP.
I wish they had brought it back as part of the title update. :sad:
All I have to say is, Halo 3 > Halo: Reach Such good times. I sincerely hope that Halo 4 is more like Halo 3 than Reach.
Lol, nice save bro. :P I hope she understood, though, after all, everyone f*cks up once in a while.
I like Michael Jackson. :|
I know right! And they always put in community maps made by the same damn people. That JoeSki73 guy has had like 3 maps in Matchmaking since Halo...
Good remake of the classic Halo 3 map, however I feel you should have left out the Concussion Rifles and kept it to just Needlers. I'm sure it...
I personally will because it's a Halo game, and I'm a diehard Halo fan. Plus, judging by the quality of the Defiant maps, it looks like 343...
Hate to tell you this, but you double-posted this thread. -_-
Could you please give a little bit of a better description of the map? I don't really get what this is supposed to be besides a Grifball arena....
Yep, we've only seen a teaser trailer of Halo 4, and it's already clear that 343 Industries is screwing up the Halo story. Remember at the end of...
In the Halo 4 trailer, Cortana wakes John up, the ship is under attack, he uses a jetpack (I don't know) to propel himself to the opening of the...
So, it's no longer in beta, right? It's completely done?
Huh, this is pretty interesting. I think the idea is cool, but I have the feeling the gameplay will just end up with a both teams huddled around...
The doors always end up getting opened anyway, so what's the point of having them really? And besides, he probably doesn't have enough budget left...
This is probably the best Orbital remake I've ever seen. It's practically a copy of the original, that's how accurate it is. The aesthetics are...
How come whenever a big news event like this happens, people always find a way to not believe it?