Johnson's not a Spartan. But Chief is my fave.
Go for Anniversary. You get not 3, but 7 maps that have stood the test of time and are some of the best maps in Halo history. Plus, as mentioned...
Tbh, I think the whole idea of considering MLG a "sport" is rather silly. Edit: Wait, why was this thread revived? O_O
Meta, y u no continue making maps?? >.<
Can't say I didn't see this coming. Congrats MetaWaddleDee, the only way this map wouldn't have been featured is if you never ended up posting it. ;P
No way. "Wow man, this map is awesome!" "Sure is. Hey, let's check it out in Forge!" "Okay, let me just switch discs." "Yeah, me too." *They...
So happy you guys used this name, it sounds so badass to me! Anyways, I only got the oppurtunity to play this map once so far, but I really...
If that does happen, it will probably just be intertwined with Forge.
Overarmor - While on, you only take 75% damage. Leech - While on, 25% of the health you take from enemies is added to your own. Bullseye -...
Lol, thanks. I just logged on to FH randomly one day and saw that in the lolbox. ;P
Ah, reminds me of the good ol' days when Firefight didn't suck. Sorry to get off on a tangent here, but I hope that in Halo 4, Firefight will be a...
Also Lone Wolf is pretty much a Firefight mission, too.
You're gonna need to give a description of the map, even though you may have already done it in v1. At the very least, just copy and paste the...
I say bring back equipment (H3) and maybe add some of the armor abilities like Drop Shield as equipment.
Balance, not too complicated, no unreasonable distances to walk, and fun for both sides.
Thanks, but fyi you might need to make a sort of one-way shield "box" over the front to completely block it off. Not positive though.
Maybe try puttin a one-way shield(s) over the front portion of the hog. I think they block the enter option.
Good job guys, looks very true to the original classic. My only turn-off is that it only plays Team Slayer and CTF, but I guess those are what...
Tbh I see no reason at all for a new Xbox at this point in time.