guess its just you and your hand then
Oh, give us your vote Give us your vote If you know what's good for you
A REAL GANGSTA ASS NI- /oheywhatwasthat
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
10/10 i always see you sucking up to other members
33333 get
down to earth, man
lol, popular culture
good music is a lot like candy, just take out the rappers
I don't know what to say.
Shock is usurping power. /knewitallalong
i am not dead
hey /ppc/, ive been going through some hard times lately, i was just fired from my job and im ashamed to say ive been living from pay check to pay...
****. Awesome.
YouTube - Pixar's Up Soundtrack - Track 3: Married Life
umadbcuzudontownaps3lol. Edited by merge: YouTube - Pixar's Up Soundtrack - Track 3: Married Life
QKT should i get dragon age 2 for the ps3 or sexbawks
whos proxy is this