If I were you, I would try to design a couple simple maps (2 tier max) then move your way up. So, here's two very popular 2 tier maps on Quake...
There's beauty in simplicity. If you like Toxicity, you may like this: Quake Live CHILL Gladiator tournament kry (POV) vs kanzo cannedheat...
I think you've learned from Ether. Dance floor is no longer a problem for you. Solid layout, appealing structure, and minimal usage of rocks!
Dude, I have tried to talk to the competitive branch of Halo about how important forge maps are for MLG, but it just results in me getting very...
Map looks pretty sick, but would be incredibly hard to convert into forge pieces. And recreate is not the same as draw inspiration from. Just...
Yes, but you always have to keep in mind the limitations of forge. crazy angles and lots of overlap don't work out too well. I recommend that you...
Indeed. The art style kind of turned me off, but I caught a glimpse of a map's geometry and had to check it out. These maps are much more complex...
That doesn't mean the method is bad, it means that your execution is bad. Honestly, I would like to see some peoples' sketches, and see how it...
Can't really grasp the layout from the pics, but I can already say this is an improvement frI'm your previous map.
There are no secrets to making successful maps, there is only experience, the ability to visualize how a map will perform, and the ability to...
That's where I start to draw the line in terms of complexity. The gameplay on that map reminded me of scooby doo, where everyone is going in and...
Is this what NIBBS likes? demul1ty -vs- Vo0 in WarSoW - YouTube
The maps on this game are crazy! Warsow Gameplay 1v1 Duel - high skill - YouTube
If you were using different weapons/settings, then you were not playing Octagon in the broken fashion it was meant to be played. Nobody is going...
I would have a problem sketching this too, lol. Looks pretty nice. Like a MLG BTB map. Like FS said, the infantry will stay along the...