what chu talking about? all that stuff was bad ass back in the day. before silver /gold all we had was blue/red, phone was good, cause we could...
I say totally worth it :D
[IMG] Remember the good times?
i dont haz mod powers noobcake.
I thought part 1 was better than 2 honestly, only thing i liked about 2 was the online play, but part 3 is soooooo much better, the final forms...
Yes, cause Xbox is gonna force you to play such games against your will ya (insert degrading word here). @Buddah- Now you got me thinking of...
There really isnt a FH guild so to speak, more like, Toochie, Lolzombie and I are in one, Blood fire is in another, and FBU is who knows were the...
Yeah, lucky me i was smart enough and told tooch to demote me since i also had GL powers, so they only took my stuff and nothing from the guild,...
Tooch and I are taking a small break from it, one, cause we cant pay for it, two, our internet here sucks donkeypenis, i lag to much in lagaran, I...
Its preety much the same exact thing, except the way you battle now, instead of it looking like this: [IMG] the view is more like [IMG] Its...
Anyone else got this game? Im in need of some friend codes and such. Very fun game, way better than part 2 and 1, I recommend it for any Megaman...
sorry broseph, after i saw that pic i got carried away by something more important, like trying to get rid of slowpokes, but was nice, i fapped to...
Straight from the heart, yo. YouTube - War Is My Destiny - Amazing Music Video Normally im not one to listen to such things, but this song was...
Ha, shea right, you know how girl clubs have a no boys allowed sign? well, "NO SLOWPOKES ALLOWED"!
Im making one just cause im bored and have never really made one then, donii isnt online to accept my request thing :P
that name suckszors :\ needs something with more panache.