YouTube - Happy Birthday to you First
Didnt wanna be bothered, and I try not to associate myself with that /b/tard friend of yours...
Oh and Silence just told me how i can be able to play all those games that i cant play on this console, even if your not on :D, so i dont need you...
at the moment, no, i cleaned off the desk, thats about it, now im just talking to silence, and kinda playing Gow. why?
not anymore i wont :D really not in the mood to get all dressed and socialize or anything like that, im comfy being Emo in my room here...
Well I never said i wasnt gonna go, but, since you already have someone to go with :D oh wells ;] Win/win in my book =]
i miss you too behbeh, hurry up and finish so we can play something :D
Nah, ill live, just have to kinda put up with it till i find a job, if she still has her panties in a bunch during that time, ill just tell her...
just complaining about how if you left already, why did you leave all your stuff here, or why is the cat still here, cause you know, ima be...
...nah, i think ill pass, i have my own dirty ness to attend too, and mom being a ***** isnt helping either. so ya, sorry behbeh :[ just have...
Then how the **** was my paycheck "our" money? or how did the 100$ i got from my dad all of a sudden become 50 for me and 50 for you, when I did...
K, ill be on xbox or wow or something, depending how bored I get, incase you need to contact me, Good luck beh beh :D What exactly are we gonna...
Really? daaaaayum .....were da **** are my 50s, my birthday passed already >:[ and howd he know your grandmas adress?
and might as well babysit, cause shes gonna trick you into doing it later regardless
was robert going too?
phone takes effort :\ I thought your grandma was gonna help you, or tracy knowing you, you will probably be too tired and lazy by seven to go...
nothing, i just spent the last hour trying to find you on FH, Myspace, Warcraft, and Xbox, since you said BAAAAAABE. made me think you needed...
wat wat wat
I do too :[
first of all, wtf is paratroxity, second, i dont feel like getting on xbox right nows, sorries.