Shadow, you still forging? Or is that phase overwith?
IDK much about Mlg, but from what I understand the rule of thumb is: No mancannons No Powerups No shield doors No grav lifts 2-4 base map...
I Rofl'd when i got the achievement. It was on ConstructI think. One guy wasn't playing and the other two were running up to get him. As I...
lol It's k. My dad owns a resteraunt, so I'm good. =)
I just saw a pic of your map. Debo posted it in one of his threads. That looks pretty epic, it seems like it'll give a good sence of perspective...
Yeah, wtf. I don't understand it either. On Halo3 it actually has a negative effect, so thats 6.3 GB's to make your game run slower? I really...
do not know what your talking about =)
So then if i don't have the disc can I play it?
I don't understand this downlaoding games ****. If I put in COD WAW and save it can I play it or not? i've heard both and I honestly justw ant...
Ha well then sorry guys, my Halo's broken. I'm uploading it, it's better then nothing.
Yeah I have played with friends, on insane. It's fun; but there's better stuff available. Personally I would prefer all the other games out....
I rofl at the name of the song. I think he should be aloud to rap about what he wants. There's an explict content warning on the cover of his...
That's cool. Let me know when you post it.
Rofl don't remind me. My disc was scratched and I couldn't play any of the maps. I tried deleting everything to get it to work, but no use. lol...
I personally thought it was pretty awesome. Graphics are nothing special, but gameplay comes first with valve. They made Portal and Half-Life,...
No kind sir you would not.
Somethiing along those lines E93. If you don't just press X and click invite friends you can scroll down to where it's like edit recipritents or...
When you send the invite you click like edit message or something along those lines and it takes you to the keyboard. Basically you can just edit...
roflroflroflrofl. You can edit game invites to say whatever you want. I send my friends invited to play like Call Of Duty 5 Beta all the time.