lol, I actually kind of like tooling on him =)
The "i sniped playahata wit me bad gramma" thread
You sir also made me laugh in an expic win thread.
You sir, made me laugh extremely hard.
When I post my next map I'll add some pictures of it. There's a few aesthenic things I've thrown in.
Anything but comely. lol. Er, think of a word that best describes you're map, then just think of a synonym for it. Or go on and...
I'm not into it, but i can tell my the vids I've seen of it it's an athletic game. It's by the people who made ass. Creed right? It looks like...
Jazz <3 I've had my touch for a year, my little brother and sister for two months. I have 0 Dl'd apps, they have like 3 pages. Basically I...
You should design an infection gametype on this that plays like pacman. One custom power up on each side that doesn't spawn. It could give like...
I really like the first one, but I don't disalike the second one. Just the box letters are annoying.
Yeah, it's actually not that tough to pull off. Especially if it's like snipers or something of the sort, then you get in a groove. Good job though.
And if they do make fun of you; make a bunch of giant ***** maps and post them. Then spam a lot. No; just kidding. I'm a bad influence don't...
Why? I don't understand. That's like really random. But; it made me lol, so whatev.
There is a long list of ways to interlock. This combines a few; it all really depends on what you're comfortable with. If this works for you...
I haz like 600 more posts then you. Rockets don't have enough range.
Yayaya askar. I got the turret like 3 days ago.
Ah, here it is. I'vve been hearing about his map for quite a while, so before I begin congratulations on finishing Linu. So in case you didn't...
I vote Y35, his was the only one that made me chuckle. It's hard to get strange pics in Gears, since you need to be there on the spot, and dead.
I hope they upgrade the weapons and set it farther into the future. This sounds like it's going to be an expantionpack more then a whole new...
lol, that's cool. I'm a good sniper as well, though I'm not as polished as I was in Gears 1. I'm not saying I'll win or lose, I'm not a cocky...