Sold it for me right there. I'm a sniper and Feul Depot was without question the best map for me. I was outraged when I found out it wasn't going...
Ah, now I remember why I voted for Bush. Strait outta the Matrix. I lol'd so hard when I first heard this.
Well if you guys ever need any testers, tell me right now. I remember Felipe told me he was doing something epic above Blackout a long time ago....
lol, yeah. That was the score. Firefox thot he cud bet me he wus rung. lol.
Wow, no lie, those are nasty. 5/5 on almost all of them.
It's k bout Firefox. I played him. 19-10 snipers 6-0 BR's I was loling the whole time; and I suck at Halo.
That made me laugh. lol. WTF
I was hoping somebody could help me make a bomb signature for my upcoming map. What I was thinking is creating something elegant for the...
Actually, he's doing nothing wrong. He has twenty four hours to update his post, if the time passes then the thread needs to be locked. Until...
Heyy! You're friend want to get a game going tonight? I'm available. I think it would be fun to play against him.
lol. That sucks. There's no w-fi at my school, but if there was it wouldn't matter. They would let us on, I think.
And then I come out of no where and snipe you in the face. It's a great game, gameplay and visuals. One of my favorites, matchmaking usually...
Yeah, I know. That's what I'm working on. I'm defining gameplay, because that's all that really matters. But I promise there will be something...
=) lol
Shippin up to Boston? Good band, and Massachysettes kicks ass. Whats tha blue thing? Maybe you should click it?
omg whats this link?!
Yupp, I bet you didn't even know I make maps. [IMG] [IMG] Only some of the map has spawned, but that's because it's a teaser you silly goose....
I was wondering if there is anyway to improve my wireless connection. It recently got so bad that I can't even play online games. What hap'd you...