Any fans of open world games who are excited about this? I knew only a basic outline of the game until today when I finally saw the gameplay clip...
We noticed you missed, and were surprised and hurt. :( OK not really, but we were surprised. Hope you can be there Tuesday! There won't be a...
According to MrGreenWithAGun, who has tested this thoroughly, three is exactly the right number. Two would be sufficient most of the time but can...
If you can figure out which ones turn green, this could be used to deliberately pull off some really interesting aesthetics...
Hell, you've been friends with your mom since you were born but I still banged her. BOOM. YOUR MOM JOKE.
As long as the maps are getting played and someone's running the show, it doesn't trouble me a lot.
Recaaaaap Archway - Agreed with Cyborg on the damage boost. I was just thinking it was me being a dummy or the fact that I seldom venture into...
So I had a chance to watch the film, and I'm feeling a lot better about my lifts now. They worked 12 times out of 14 (I think I counted that...
That's odd, I feel certain that team spawn zones switched sides properly in Reach. You might check with FlyingshoeILR, he is one of the pioneers...
It's a pre-made window that's part of the Ravine bridge wall object (whatever that thing is actually called). I could only widen it by scrapping...
In a sense that was an easier task though - easier to control the ways people could possibly approach it, and easier to enlarge or change the...
Lifts are a pain in the ass. I'm going to be spending time AGAIN in the next couple days trying to fix the lifts on Octave, at least as much as...
^ Defeated by a 4v4 map AGAIN. This guy, I tell ya.
I've done an update using 2x2 corners on both sides of those lifts - it seems to work pretty well in my tests, but we'll find out more tonight, as...
I don't play much matchmaking of late. Been spending my Halo time in forge and customs. But yeah, it happens a little too often... One great...
I don't believe this worked in Reach and I think it's the same in Halo 4. Halo 3 had separate tags for flag capture and flag spawn, which allowed...
The JIP window could definitely use tweaking, glad to hear they're doing so. Twice in recent weeks I've been JIPped (what a convenient acronym!)...
I'd say it's still possible to do it old school, without ordnance, but players have come to rely on that to some extent - they no longer look for...
Beat me to it. I took tin cups off my map after I saw a video of this. Ugly bug, and there's a similar problem with the underside of station...
I still have no idea where ANY power weapons are on that map. Either I'm a dummy or people were scooping them before I got there (or hey, could...