I think its cumulative but I just kept sniping the Elite you are supposed to assassinate in the beginning and then restarting from the checkpoint.
I think you are looking at it as if its supposed to be realistic. And what the guy above me said is exactly the right answer.
What laggy maps are you talking about because I never lag because of a map, I lag if someone has a bad connection.
They could make the Brutes the same height as the Elites. I think you have something against Brutes Armadillo lol. Edit: @IH8YourGamerTag-...
That's exactly what i was thinking! The Brutes are slow in Campaign but they dont have to be in Matchmaking.
I was gonna put that in the original post that they could give the brutes shields and not make them so slow but it would be difficult.
I was thinking it could be like a DLC but youre right. It could be like CoD and if you dont have the DLC then it wont show up in MM and you wont...
I thought of this idea just about a hour ago and I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, Bungie could include Brutes in Matchmaking. Now I know...
Youre really going to complain about achievement names? I mean c'mon now. Anyways, I think the names are funny and they arent extremely hard,...
Theres no more rank caps. You can go all the way up to inheritor :)
I completely agree with this. I think it should be like CoD and if someone betrays you then they die too.
The challenges today are just to get the level cap raised today. These are baby challenges lol.
Yeah im downloading it now :/ I agree with William, there should be a option to keep the NXE dashboard.
I think this weekly isnt that bad. And everybody gets a free 3000 cR today because of the Linked Up to B.Net challenge :)
And Grim does it again! You sir are the master of forge art hands down. You should make everyone from noble team. I think Jorge would be amazing...
Agreed. If they did put the Pelicans and Phantoms in MM then they would have to make bigger maps so that one teammate can transport his team...
Im glad im not the only one who cant drive the Pelican. It kept leaning sideways while I was flying and I couldnt get it to go up or down, it just...
My life long Halo dream of flying a Phantom has come true! This is the coolest easter egg imo. I just did it and its extremely fun but i wish you...
I know! I wonder if that picture has anything to do with it.
I would like to see more customization for the elites too but armadillo is right. Also, when Bungie raises the level cap, will there be new...