Well I gave in and used my Master Ball on Kyurem, the Ice and Dragon Legendary. He was level 75 and his dragon pulse was murdering my team. There...
"I know what the ladies like" - Sgt. Johnson :P
Beat the game today and the ending was amazing. Now im starting the post-game stuff like the Legendaries and the other towns. I just caught the 3...
It on the top floor of the left building in the northern road in Castelia City. There is a scientist who says he made a secret machine and needs...
I started with Oshawott and I already have him fully evolved. I got Victini but I decided to keep him in my PC because he would dominate...
I dont think you need Wi-Fi, I think just Mystery Gift. You just walk in to Gamestop and "Recieve via Wireless" and boom, pokemans achieved :)...
I found out today at Gamestop when I picked up my Celebi that on March 8th through I think about a week, Gamestop will be giving away Victini, a...
This was posted today by IPlayCoD.com from their Facebook page. Findmakarov revealed | GameSlice - Geoff Keighley
so thats where everybody got that from! 0.o I cant stop watching this. Ive been waiting for the next Elder Scrolls since I beat Oblivion. I can...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSRtYpNRoN0&feature=player_embedded#at=21 "Holy ****, what is this? Forged in God's very flames. Do mine eyes...
You forgot the sink and drink machine! The way he made the piano will remain a mystery to us all.
[IMG] They had mech suits for soldiers in Halo Wars ^
My friend doesnt have the map pack and he tried to play some normal slayer matchmaking and it says that he has to have the map pack. It said it...
I think the maps are amazing but I am dissappointed that the killzones on tempest are so strict. Havent really played on them that much to pick a...
I think its a epic idea. I want to see more of the space battles. Possibly have one map where spartans invade a Corvette and another map where...
Yeah I know, the 1st gen will always be the best. I couldn't resist, It was such a perfect sentence :)
Looks like Nintendo finally announced some information to when B&W will be hitting the US. I am excited for these because Nintendo finally changed...
Thats extremely cheap so whats wrong with that?
Beat the campaign tonight, it definitely threw me for a loop. I played my first game online and it was crazy fun. I like how customizable the...
This x9000! I love the campaign in everygame I buy and the multiplayer is just bonus, plus zombies :)