I have one. I got lucky finding it though so ill breed it and trade you one. Nevermind, party can because I would have to do it tomorrow.
Yep Im ready. Im in the Union Room
I added you Vice. Ive been hatching starters alllll day. Im bout to go back to training and evolving.
Holy ****! I forgot I used a action replay on my Pearl and got all the pokemon! I just transfered all of the legendaries and all of the starters....
Alright thanks. Ive been doing the Elite Four nonstop lol. Also dont luxury balls boost their happiness up?
lol its all good. Um you have a Vullaby? EDIT: and plasma, your theory is like spot on. It all makes sense!!
I hatched my snivy and Im trying to hatch my oshawott now. You want both? EDIT: Oshawott hatched now
I could get you a female Ralts but I would have to run around in White Forest for a while. EDIT: I can breed a Oshawott and a Snivy for ya.
You want anything else? nevermind, that was my first time doing that. It confused me lol.
Deal! I got a level 48 one. My friend code is 4384 1309 6540.
I almost forgot about that goth pokemon. Ill trade anyone some White exclusives. Putting my friend code in my sig isnt a bad idea :p
I know! I need one too :( I havent battled one so its not in my pokedex so I cant get one from the GTS. We need someone with Black version!
Yeah you're right. I could try and make starter eggs in my SS for anyone. I need some for me too haha. I could do that with Pearl too actually...
Wooo! Got my Samurott to level 100 :D Also, does anyone have a Vullaby? The fat little vulture (Its a Black exclusive)
I had just bought a new DS (used bulky one) a while before W/B came out because my whole top screen on my old one is cracked but the bottom right...
For mine its: Unova dex: seen - 147, caught - 92 National: seen - 328, caught - 154 I thought I was doing good until I looked throught the...
You can catch level 58 and 60 Braviarys at Village Bridge. Oh and if anyone has Black then Ill trade them a Rufflet or Braviary for one of...
:O! I need to do that! I already got my ditto.
Yeah I usually do too but there is only one roaming legendary and he's only level 40 or something. If I just trap him then he shouldnt be that hard.
I hope not D: