Well Wood Wonk, things didnt go as planned tonight so hopefully tomorrow we can get this trade done.
Alright sounds good.
Im not at my house so I dont have my ds on me. I should be back home around 10 if thats good with you?
You can catch Ralts in White Forest.
Yeah 11 is when ill be home.
Oh I thought you killed it without saving or something. And Wood Wonk, im ready whenever you are.
YouTube - Tsunami in Japan 3.11 first person FULL raw footage This **** is crazy
lolwut about Cobalion?
Ill try man. Im hoping ill get lucky. And Vice, that sounds like a perfect idea. I think it would be cool to battle with everyone and see who...
Damn. Ill try and find out and if I can ill let you have one.
If I breed the shiny charmander will it make another or no? Because if so then I will give you one.
I still got my Zorua :P I sent you a visitor message too.
I just hatched your Zorua. Ill be waiting for the shiny Charmander tomorrow.
Hmm :/ ill leave and come back in. Success!
I dont mind at all. ill be in there in a sec. Edit: Is it not connecting or something?
LOL! I bet he spammed sad faces lol well unless you dont want the Archen then ill take it but if you want it then ill take something else.
Must. Have. Shiny. Charmander. Ill breed a zorua for you right now.
umm honestly I dont know lol do you have a archen?
You can catch a level 70 Volcolrona (?) which is the evolved form of Larvesta in the Desert Catacombs. I have a Mudkip if you want one.
When I get home from class I can transer my eevee evolutions and breed them. Wont be til later though.