I think they got the wrong balance. The aim assist is low but the bullet magnetism is high. I think the aim assist needs to be bumped up slightly...
They won't be. Its the physical movement, aim assist, bullet magnetism, field of view, TTK, etc that bothers me, and that stuff can't change.
While I can appreciate the versatility of the structures in the map and the skill gap required to learn all the ins and outs, I still cant get...
The capture point on Riptide has been lowered by 0.5 units, and a far backfield spawning location has been added to the attacker side. I'll keep...
Seriously, why don't they just let 343 go off and make all the movies and comics and tv shows and books that they want, and let ACTUAL developers...
Wow.... Looks even more gay than the original Prometheans... :no:
Ok, fine. I'm done too after this. Multi, the first time we met you specifically told me that you were a Halo 3 forger, then proceeded to show me...
Haha, looks like someone's getting heated. First off, the "class dismissed" thing was just keeping in theme with the start of the post "time to go...
Oh man... this post... Alright kids, time for school. "Maps composed entirely out of concrete blocks aren't considered acceptable by most of the...
I know my way around spawns, especially after getting Oracle's spawns to the state that they are now. Hit me up on XBL. GT: Squally DaBeanz
I have considered a Brute Shot before. I think for now I'm just going to keep the weapon set as is. Once I get more games on here, I can look more...
You clearly don't understand the root of the problem. It's not the map itself, it's the politics surrounding it. Tesla was made after asking a...
Well, I tried coloring the dishes at one point, and it was just a little too much. I opted for a more subtle approach, so as to avoid the "Crayola...
Squally DaBeanz submitted a new map: H2A Oracle - Small symmetrical Midship styled map for 4V4 play. Oracle By Squally DaBeanz Oracle is a...
Oracle By Squally DaBeanz Oracle is a small symmetrical in the classic "two-base-two-tower" design style, better known as a Midship clone. Each...
I'll just copy what I said on waypoint. **Clears throat** "Seriously? Tesla? Why on EARTH is this map being considered? Not only is it a terrible...
Oh,I get it! It's all a metaphor! The ruins are the current state of the Halo community, with Chief representing the old fans from back in the...
You're not the first person to suggest a second route there. Unfortunately, the logistics of creating such a route makes it nearly impossible...
Squally DaBeanz submitted a new map: Inheritor - Medium sized 4v4 map inspired by Gemini and The Pit. Inheritor By Squally DaBeanz "Don't let...