Yeah, I need to find a font first. EDIT: CnC please [IMG]
Great first sig but the lightsabers are cut off at the end and the BG doesn't match the render much. But other then that great first sig. CnC...
I know this sig isn't that good, but is this better then the old one? [IMG]
Does this look better? [IMG]
Lighting and flow of sigs.
This sounds cool. It will help me a lot since im just starting out.
Ill try decreasing the size on my new sigs.
What do you think? [IMG]
Here is my first GIMP sig. What do you guys think? [IMG]
Can you give me a link to some good fonts?
The lighting effects coming from the bottom right really help with the flow of the sig. The lighting effects on the render are also good. I would...
Great job, but it looks like at the right that the eye is cut or something. Other then that the effects are awesome. CnC [IMG]
Thanks, I really appreciate it.
Can someone add scan lines to this? [IMG]
Level 12 dwarf. Ravencrest server.