Wow, would you want to become affiliates with LG? It's a pretty new website that was made from the group Legends of Forge.
Really? I was in that group when it had about 100 members. How many do you guys have now?
BWO, I used to have Alex Tru on my friends list is he still part of that?
can't, going to Watchmen soon
I almost entirely agree with this list. I see you like N64 games lots as the same with me. Paper Mario would be higher on my list though.
Great map and looks like an accurate remake. The gameplay reminds me of exactly what it was like in Halo 2. Great job :D
Me, my gamertag is A Taco Bell
I'm in
I might try to interlock the bridge if that is what you were thinking.
You can use the pics for your sig if you want. Anyways thanks for all the comments.
Have you ever eaten at the Space Needle?
What do you mean by the placement of the map?
Grunt Birthday?
No, Mt. Rainier but you were close.
I guess I did overdue it with the weapons but any tips on which ones to delete?
These are some pictures I took of Seattle from on top of the Space Needle. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [img]
Vortex [IMG] Download Link Description Slayer map on foundry. Works well with all gametypes. Slayer works the best. Interlocked and geomerged....
Can you give me a link to the Conquest gametype. I dloaded both of your maps and I need the gametype for them. thnx.
Can i use your dumpster trap in one of my maps?
I really liked your zombie bunker idea. Mind if I make a version too?