Do you have skype and/or AIM?
ok, I sent a message to him thanks.
Email: [spoiler] Clip: Halo 3 File Details Thanks you for this kind service.
Wow, thats quite a bit of social groups.
I need someone with a capture card to get this footage. Halo 3 File Details I just want the raw footage from that angle. No editing needed. I...
Not responding. Well then, it seems you win.
Did you fix your Firefox?
Not responding.
I see how it is.
No more activity...
What happened to the Pokemon group. We should start it up again.
no thanks, not in the mood right now.
oh haha lol
I don't own an airsoft gun myself but some of my friends do. We play all the time and it's really fun. My story is everyone brought their really...
answered what?
wait wut?
You there?
Is that real?