no it is compltetely symmetrical
Main Creators: Bartoge, Fatal Helpers: Gkoo, Drew{some ideas}, and all that helped playtest Download Here Intro Welcome, one and all to...
I can't get an overview of the entire map in one shot, but the first two pics are the closest to overviews.
Creators: Bartoge, Gkoo, others for mental and emotional support CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Description: Crystalyte is a small aysmmetrical map...
Name: Rupture Creators: Bartoge, Haddi, Gkoo Download At: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Rupture is a small,...
1. No, there is no unlimited money glitch used on this map. 2. Since there's 9 stories there is a distinct middle level. Each team has an equal...
To answer those questions: 1.) Each base has about 3 levels to spawn on, so if a person is on one level they will spawn on another. So far I...
Download At: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Altoheap is a 9 story tall tower built right outside of the map...
Ok Ill try something different for the pics. EDIT Ok hopefully these pics will work
yes I did
On my screen there are pictures
Download Conjunction is an asymmetrical map, with many hallways. There are 2 bases connected by 3 hallways. Two outer hallways and a middle...
I wanted to make a map with lots of chaos and this map fits the bill. If you dont like it, thats your opinion.
What if you put like an overshield/camo in the exact same spot as the custom power up in the dumpster. Then you put a overshield/camo on the other...
Is there a way to make a power up on the other side of the door, so it can be a two handle door? That would be really useful for like bases and...
Why are you unsure about a map that hasn't used unlimited money. It can still be good, great or the best. Unlimited money just help people, its...
People on Forge hub can be harsh, I mean this doesn't look like the duck hunt maps that I've played.There's similarities but enough change for me...
Cool map, I haven't tried it out but it looks really good. Is there an actual gametype or do I have to change it myself (Im very lazy).Just...
Awesome guide, now all I need to do is find a partner, but you said where to find them, so good job.
Good map, but there still seems to be a lack of cover, at least around the creek area. Overall 4.6/5, good job